Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Lowering Cholesterol by Reducing Stress

Lowering Cholesterol by Reducing Stress
By Expert Author: Tim Lazaro

Stress has become a part of our daily lives. Many of us are in a rush to get to work and when we are there we are pushed to meet quotas and/or goals. We want a raise in salary and we undergo more stress. Life for us has become stressful.

The risk factors for heart disease are: Age (risk increases with age), Family history (if your parents suffer with heart disease you probably will also), Smoking (a definite killer, High blood pressure, Being overweight, Physical Inactivity, and Diabetes.

It always strikes me as strange that stress is not classified as one of the heart-disease risk factors. Many heart doctors point out that stress can trigger a heart attack. If one undergoes an emotionally traumatic event, and that person has plaque buildup in his or her arteries, part of that plaque may break free and cause a clog resulting in the death of heart muscle and a consequent heart attack.

So how we deal with stress is important. Many people use physical exercise to alleviate stress. Thirty minutes or more a day of good, heart-beating aerobic activity for five or more days a week will strengthen the heart and the circulatory system. Remember to check with your doctor first before starting an exercise program.

Regular and continuous exercise will lower the effects of at least two risk factors such as being overweight and high blood cholesterol. The more calories you will burn as a result of exercising will reduce your weight. And exercise has been shown to raise HDL good cholesterol levels and thereby lower total cholesterol.

Meditation by itself or in conjunction with physical exercise has been shown to reduce stress. There are many books that can teach you how to meditate properly and reduce the stress of everyday living.

Good personal relationships help to reduce stress. The support one draws from having good relationships cannot be overestimated. Voicing and sharing stressful problems with others can be mentally helpful. Keeping it all bottled up inside will only feed the beast. It has been stated that developing strong personal ties reduces the chances of developing heart disease. Opening up and expressing ones feelings to a trusted friend will do a lot to defuse the stress bomb that may be growing inside of you.

Other things to do to manage stress:

Keep a positive attitude - negativity only leads to more depressing feelings. Warm fuzzy feelings are good for you - try to generate them.

Praise yourself - accentuate the positive things, the successful things you do. Get high on these successes and stay there for days.

Accept what you cannot change. You can't fight city hall as the saying goes. Banging ones head against a stone wall does no one any good. Find a positive way of dealing with the situation. Perhaps finding a new job would be better for you.

Practice relaxation skills. Laugh as much as you can. For periods of time every day, push aside stress and just relax. Talk and think of other things. It's a big world with many wonderful things going on.

If you harbor hostility, find help. Hostility feeds stress, makes it worse helps it to achieve higher, world-record, explosive levels. Curmudgeons are just walking time bombs. If a person is so angry that he or she is always ready to fight, just imagine how high that person's blood pressure must be - all the time. Seek help to dissolve hostile feelings.

Stress can be managed. It only takes a positive approach to dealing with it. The result will be a lowering of your cholesterol.
About the Author/Author Bio

Tim Lazaro is a competitive, masters runner who writes on issues related to health, natural-food diets, and aerobic exercise. He employs the life-style changes and diets that he writes about. He has lowered his total cholesterol using these cholesterol-lowering methods. Download a Free guide "Foods that Lower Cholesterol" here: http://www.waystoloweryourcholesterol.com

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Cholesterol Diet and Heart Attack

Cholesterol Diet and Heart Attack
By Expert Author: William Walters

Today we are going to talk about the importance of Lowering your Cholesterol to prevent the #1 killer in the US Heart Disease.

Cholesterol is an important element required by the human body for its day to day survival. But if present in excess amounts, it can be counterproductive as well. Medical science has shown that excess quantities of cholesterol in the blood can lead to the blockage of blood vessels, leading to heart attack or stroke. Hence it is important that one may check the cholesterol buildup in his/her body. If left unchecked, it can lead to a complete disaster.

The chemical composition of cholesterol is such that it is insoluble in water. As a result, it cannot dissolve in blood and hence independently move around in the blood stream. They are carried by certain chemicals known as lipoproteins to the different tissues of the body, to be stored, used, or excreted, as it may be required. But in excess amounts, some of these lipoproteins may settle on the inside of the blood vessels forming plaques, thus blocking the blood flow in the process, and eventually leading to a cardiac arrest, when the blood flow is completely obstructed. If this blockage happens in the brain, it may cause a stroke.

Here, one must understand that not all types of cholesterol is heart attack inducing. There are basically two types of cholesterol - HDL and LDL - in the human blood, of which the latter is heart attack causing if present in an excess percentage. HDL or high density lipoproteins seem to help remove the cholesterol forming plaques inside the blood vessels, thereby alleviating any chances of a blockage build up in the arteries. Hence they are body friendly. According to experts, the ideal level of these components in the blood must be -40 mg/dL/-50mg/dL (for men and women) and less than 160 mg/dL, respectively. There is another type of cholesterol as well in the blood - named LP(a) - which is also prone to cause blockages in the blood vessels. But the exact chemistry behind the plaque formation by LP(a) is not known even today.

From a common man point of view, one's the things are over the anvil, it can be really difficult to contain the damage. Hence, as a precaution, it is advisable that one may periodically check his/her blood cholesterol levels to ensure that everything is under control. Consulting a doctor/nutritionist and seeking his/her advice would be helpful for one to know more about the effects of excessive cholesterol, and to chart a diet plan that is more body friendly. Remember, in any counts, checking the blood cholesterol level is far easier than being through and then treating heart attack or stroke.
About the Author/Author Bio

William Walters, the owner of Lowering Cholesterol Facts, is interested in writing articles relating to health issues such as heart diseases and cholesterol and other related issues so that people can live a happier and healthier life. Visit the site - http://www.lowering-cholesterol-facts.com - for more information on Cholesterol, Steps to Lower Cholesterol, Diets and Cholesterol, and The importance of lowering Cholesterol. You can also get your FREE report " 5 Simple Steps To Lower Cholesterol" from the site.

Monday, November 17, 2008

.Healthy Skin Tips

Healthy skin tips

Even casual sun exposure - the kind you get while walking to work or running errands - can cause harm to your skin, including wrinkles and premature ageing. That's why sunscreen is a must anytime you head outdoors. And when you come inside after a day in the sun, apply Vaseline Intensive Care Aloe Cool & Fresh, a lotion with Aloe Vera and cucumber extracts to refresh and soothe skin.
Not all dry skin is the same. In extreme cases, your skin needs to be healed as well as moisturised. Apply a lotion with proven moisturisers, like Vaseline Intensive Care Advanced Healing, to heal severely dry skin and keep it from coming back.
Eat right
To keep your skin healthy from the inside out, eat foods with high levels of antioxidants, like fruits and vegetables. Follow up a vitamin-enriched dinner with a before-bed ritual of Vaseline Intensive Care Nightly Renewal, a lotion that makes the most of the night to renew skin's healthy glow while you sleep.
Keep hydrated
Drinking at least eight glasses of water a day is recommended to keep your entire body healthy. But it's also important to hydrate your skin from the outside. To ensure that your skin looks radiant, moisturise with Vaseline Intensive Care Total Moisture, now with 70 per cent more glycerin for more moisturising power in every drop. Just a few drops each day will eliminate dry skin and give you healthy skin for life.
Be more active
Any amount of exercise can help your skin. Even taking a leisurely stroll will improve your circulation, which in turn helps to deliver oxygen and nutrients to your skin. Try Vaseline Intensive Care Firming & Radiance with collagen and pro-retinal to leave your skin smooth and glowing after a workout.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Tips for Weight loss for the Teenager

Tips for Weight Loss for the Teenager

Many teenagers are overweight, but even more just think they are. Tips for Weight Loss for the Teenager encourages the teenager to look at facts not fads or friends when considering whether or not to take action to lose weight.
In these modern times even teenagers are concerned about their weight. This is especially true with teenage girls. If you are a teenager and are concerned about your weight you need to really consider the next question seriously. Are you truly overweight or do you just have everybody telling you that you are?

Media, peers (your friends) advertisements, television, radio and many other sources have a way of making you feel guilty about your weight if you don't look like some super model. There is nothing wrong with wanting to look good but that can be taken to extremes. Many teenagers, young women in particular, are obsessed with their weight to the extent of even starving themselves and actually being underweight. I doubt if that is your situation but you need to be aware of the problem and be sure you are not in this category.

Young people's bodies are still growing and maturing and need proper nutrition and at times their physical proportions can be off a bit. We used to know a young man that had an enormously large head for his body size. We used to call him "Big Head Bill". Man did he have a cranium! Guess what, as he became an adult his body caught up and even though his head is the same size we no longer call him "Big Head Bill", well maybe once in a while. Now what if Bill was obsessed with his seemly large head and tried drastic measures to reduce its size. I can't imagine what he would do but he might end up hurting himself in some way!

This may be somewhat funny but the same could be true of you. You're still growing into an adult and you may feel a bit awkward and even be teased about your physical appearance but most likely things will work out. Bill didn't care; he told everyone that his big head housed an enormously large brain. If you think about it, that was a pretty smart attitude to have!

You need to be reasonable with your assessment of yourself. Ask yourself "Do I feel I am overweight or is everyone else telling me I am?" Now if you feel you do need to lose a few pounds why not get a second opinion just to be safe. Ask your parents. I know, you don't want to get them involved. Well it is a good idea but if you refuse you could ask another adult (not a teenager) that you feel comfortable with, maybe a relative or your teacher. Here is some tips for weight loss for you.

If you decide that you still need to lose some weight be sure to go about it responsibly. Eat healthy meals and don't skip any, especially breakfast. Exercise and get plenty of sleep. Any quality weight loss program will make sure you do all of the above and more to keep you healthy and strong, oh and I almost forgot, feel great about yourself!

By Robert Hemken Jr.
Published: 11/6/2008

Monday, November 10, 2008

Seven Tips For A Long And Healthy Life

Seven Tips For A Long And Healthy Life
by: Dada Vedaprajinananda
As good as modern medical technology is, it can never save you from the problems caused by a life style that is unhealthy. Instead of getting a modern medical fix for every problem, it is far better to live in such a way that you will hardly ever fall ill.
An ounce of prevention is certainly better than a pound of cure. Here are seven tips on how to live a long and healthy life. In addition, the same life style that helps you to avoid illness also helps you to lose weight.
1. Get Enough Exercise
In the past people had to use their physical bodies in the course of their normal work. But today someone may get up, go to work in a car, then sit down, get up to go home in the car and when arriving at home, sit down again for the rest of the day. In such a life there is no physical labor. This physical inactivity is one of the main reasons for a host of diseases. Sport, running. walking and other things must be added to our life if our normal work does not require us to exert ourselves physically. I
2. Go to sleep when you feel sleepy
This may sound simple, but many people stay up late even when their body is telling them that it is time to sleep. Yoga and Ayurvedic doctors also say that it is better to sleep in the night and be active during the day. However, people such as students will take coffee and stimulants to study late into the night. Others develop the habit of remaining active at night and sleeping during the day. While we can do this, it eventually takes a toll on health. Alternative health doctors say that this kind of unnatural living is one of the contributing factors in the causation of cancer and other diseases
3. Eat when you feel hungry
This is also a simple idea, but once again we often go against the messages of the body. If you eat out of habit or due to social pressure at certain time of the day, even when you have no real appetite, then you will not digest your food properly. Acidity and indigestion begin, and this contributes to the likelihood of other more complex diseases taking root. Having an appetite is actually a sign of good health, but if you have no appetite you should wait a bit and then eat. (If you have no appetite even after awaiting a reasonable amount of time, then you should consult a doctor because something is wrong.)
4.Fast on a Regular, Systematic Basis
If you would ask any person to work 365 days per year without any rest, they would complain and say that they must have some rest or else they will break down. But we have never bothered to ask or to think about our digestive organs which we compel to work day after day without a rest. They cannot protest the way a person would to his boss, but they do give us signals that they cannot work non-stop. When we ignore those signals and still compel them to work, those organs break down. That is why periodic fasting is necessary. Refrain from eating for one complete day. This gives a rest to your digestive organs and also helps in the elimination of wastes from your body. Regular fasting allows a person to gain extra time for intellectual or spiritual pursuits. Fasting is not for hermits in a cave, but is a sensible practice that anyone can practice.
5. Wash with cool water before going to bed
As mentioned above, proper sleep is essential for the maintenance of health. If you wash your important motor and sensory organs (hands, arms, eyes, legs, mouth, genitals) before sleep using cool water, this will relax you and prepare you for deep sleep.
6. Perform meditation on a regular basis
Your body is linked to your mind. Many of the diseases of this era are psychosomatic. Stress and anxiety take their toll on our physical health. Meditation is a mental exercise which, among other things, allows you to detach yourself from the worries of life. Learn a simple technique and do it regularly.
7. Get up early every day
Once again the old proverb, "Early to bed, early to rise makes a person healthy, wealthy and wise." I don't know if it will make you wealthy, but it will certainly make you healthy. Your body needs just enough sleep, not too much and not too little.
Follow these tips and you can't go wrong.
About The Author
Dada Vedaprajinananda is a yoga/meditation teacher with over 35 years of experience. He is the main editor of the Life Weight Loss article directory, http://www.lifeweightloss.com, and also the author of Yoga Weight Loss Secrets, http://www.yogaweightlosssecrets.com, an ebook with complete yoga-based instructions for healthy weight loss.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

16 ways to eat Healthy while keeping it Cheap

16 Ways to Eat Healthy While Keeping it Cheap

Eating healthy is important. Eating healthy:
• Lowers disease risks
• Increases productivity
• Gives you more energy
• Makes you stronger
You probably think eating healthy is expensive. I’ll be honest — it is. But there are tricks to keep it low cost. Here are sixteen ways to eat more healthy while keeping it cheap.
What is Healthy Food? Before we start, let’s define healthy food. It consists of:
• Protein. The building blocks of muscles, needed for strength.
• Fat. A balanced intake of omega 3, 6 & 9.
• Veggies. All kinds, especially green fibrous veggies.
• Fruit. Full of vitamins.
• Water. 1 liter per 1000 calories you expend.
• Whole grain food. Oats, rice, pasta, breads, …
On with the tips.
1. Switch to Water. I drank huge amounts of soda daily for more than 15 years. Then I started Strength Training and switched to water:
• It’s healthier
• It’s cheaper
Quit the soda & drink water. Take a bottle wherever you go.
2. Consume Tap Water. Check the price of water on your tap water bill. Now check the price of bottled water. Quit a difference, isn’t it? So why are you buying bottled water?
• Cleaner? Not necessarily.
• Better taste? No, simply a matter of Adaptation.
Bottled water companies get their supply from the same source you do: municipal water systems. It’s like selling ice to Eskimos. If you don’t trust the quality of tap water, filter it yourself. I use a Brita Pitcher. One $7 filter cleans 40 gallons water.
3. Eat Eggs. I always have eggs at breakfast:
• Full of vitamins
• High in proteins
• Low in price
Don’t believe the Eggs & Cholesterol myth. Dietary cholesterol is not bound to blood cholesterol. Want to make it cheaper? Buy a chicken.
4. Eat Fatty Meats. Fatty meats are cheaper & more tasty than lean meats. You think it’s not healthy? Check the Fat Myths:
• Fat doesn’t make you fat, excess calories do
• You need a balanced intake of fats: omega 3, 6 & 9
I’m on the Anabolic Diet, I buy beef chuck instead of sirloin.
5. Get Whey. The cheapest source of protein. 70$ for a 10lbs bag lasting 4 months. Nothing beats that. Use whey in your Post Workout Shake to help recovery.
6. Tuna Cans. Canned tuna is cheap & contains as much protein as meat. Alternate tuna with eggs, meat & whey. You’ll easily get to your daily amount of protein.
7. Buy Frozen Veggies. I mostly buy frozen veggies:
• Take less time to prepare
• You don’t waste money if not eaten in time
• Can be bought in bulk for discounts & stored in your freezer
If you can afford fresh veggies, then do it. I go frozen.
8. Use a Multivitamin. Pesticides lower the vitamin levels of your fruits & veggies. Two solutions:
• Buy organic food. Expensive.
• Use a multivitamin. $10 a month.
Choose what fits your wallet best. I take the multivitamin.
9. Fish Oil. Omega-3 is found in fish oil. Benefits of omega-3 consumption include:
• Lowered cholesterol levels
• Decreased body fat
• Reduced inflammation
You need to eat fatty fish 3 times a week to get these benefits. Time consuming & expensive, I know. Try Carlson’s Liquid Fish Oil with Lemon flavor. One teaspoon daily. You’ll be ok.
10. Buy Generic Food. The box might be less attractive, it’s certainly more attractive to your wallet. Brand-name food will always be more expensive. You’re paying for the name. Get real. Food is food. Go generic.
11. Buy in Bulk. Think long-term. Buying in bulk is more expensive at the cashier, but cheaper in the long run:
• Gets you discounts
• Saves time
• Saves car fuel
Invest in a big freezer. Buy meats & veggies in bulk and freeze them.
12. Go to One Grocery Store. This grocery store is cheaper for meat, that grocery store is cheaper for veggies, the other grocery store is cheaper for fish… How many grocery stores are you going to, trying to find the cheapest food? Think!
• Time is money. Stop losing a day shopping.
• Cars don’t run on water. Lower your fuel expenses.
I get all my food in a big grocery store near my place. It hasn’t the cheapest price for all foods, but it saves me time & fuel.
13. Make a Plan. A classic, but worth repeating. Everything starts with a plan.
• Make a list of what you need
• Eat a solid meal, don’t go hungry
• Go the grocery, get what’s on your list & get out
No need to take your partner or kids with you. This is not a recreational activity. Just get your food & get back home.
14. Take Food To Work. Ever counted how much money you throw away buying food at work daily? Start preparing your food for the day on waking up:
• Get up earlier
• Eat a solid breakfast (like Scrambled Eggs)
• Prepare your food for work in the meanwhile
Total time 30 minutes. No stress during the day about what you’ll be eating & you get healthy food while sparing money.
15. Eat Less. This one is obvious. The less you eat, the lower your grocery bill. If you’re overweight, get on a diet. Your health & bank account will thank you.
16. Don’t Buy Junk Food. The last one. Stop buying anything that comes out of a box, it’s:
• Unhealthy
• Expensive
If you actually find junk food that is cheaper than whole food, think long-term. Health implications.
Mehdi is author of StrongLifts.com, a blog about Strength Training, nutrition, lifestyle & attitude. His articles include the Anabolic Diet & the Beginner Strength Training Program. Join him at StrongLifts.com for the fascinating journey toward more strength, bigger muscles, low body fat & a better health.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

6 Tips for a Healthy Memory

6 Tips for a Healthy Memory
by: Kevin Pezze

There a number of basic things that you probably do each day to help extend the life of the valuable tool called your memory. The following are a few practical suggestions for you if you have not already done them. These are techniques that have been used successfully by the author.
In a nutshell they are: Eat well, build your future, reduce stress, exercise, use food supplements or vitamins and do memory recovery drills.
1. Eat Well – The USA Today reported on June 20, 2005 that fruit and vegetable juices and clean gums can defend against disease. Also getting regular exercise and even brushing you teeth could offer protection against Alzheimer’s. Eat greens of all kinds like spinach and broccoli daily along with high protein foods like eggs, cheeses and peanut butter. Do not starve the body as that starves the brain. Eat salads and proteins throughout the day.
2. Build Your Future -- Everyone needs to have plans for the future whether you are in your teens or 105 years old. Building and creating your future is what keeps you alive. It could be something as simple as painting your bedroom over, going to see your favorite baseball team play or creating a new twist to the same dish you have been serving for years. It is the maintaining of interest in life that keeps us alive.
3. REDUCE STRESS -- Stress of any kind chews up the mental energy you have. it is often compensated by alcohol, overeating, extramarital affairs, gambling, drugs or just pure disinterest in others in life. But the actual cause of stress needs to be located and handled. There are many ways to spot this through just having a conversation with a close friend or trying Dianetic auditing that gets to the root of stress.
4. EXERCISE-- Daily exercise of the cardiovascular type can release valuable endorphins that feed the brain and rest the nervous system. These natural hormones tend to purge the body and augment circulation to the brain. As the body tightens up walks, massages or biking can be very helpful. Swimming is a premier exercise for the complete body without stress on the joints
5. USE FOOD SUPPLEMENTS OR VITAMINS--There are numerous food supplements and many vitamins that aid in the continuous blood flow to the brain and the nervous system. Gingko biloba or ginko improves the circulation to the brain,. This allows more oxygen to reach the brain which helps in short and long term memory, energy and concentration. Ginkgo biloba leaf extract is the most widely sold plant medicine in Europe, where it is used to treat the symptoms of early-stage Alzheimer's disease and dementia . A June 2002 Study by the Journal of the Medical Association suggests that foods rich in Vitamin E may help protect some people from Alzheimer’s Disease. To purchase high quality vitamins like vitamin e or the extract gingko go to www.pezze.usana.com and click on products and type in vitamin e or gingko in the search box.
6. RECOVER YOUR MEMORY--Reading, working on crossword puzzles, writing, doing jigsaw puzzles and playing any kind game or learning something new will keep your mind sharp and recover words and ideas from the past. For more on more intense recovery follow the memory techniques in the book Self Analysis.
For more information visit www.healthymemory.net. Thanks!
About The Author
Kevin Pezze
The author's Dad contracted memory loss symptoms 10 years ago. The website is an accumulation of practical techniques, vitamins, drugs, memory drills and caregiver ways that have helped extend the life of a man he loved.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Healthy Breastfeeding Tips for You and Your Baby

Healthy Breastfeeding Tips For You And Your Baby
by: Robin Darch

We’ve all heard the debate. Breast Feeding vs Formula. But why do most people say breast feeding is the best for your baby? Because this natural mother’s milk is genetically the best food for your baby. This is the way GOD designed for things to work.
Want a more scientific reason? Okay, for one, the complex fats that are abundant in human breastmilk are vital to brain development and may have an effect on your baby’s intelligence as they grow older.
Breastfed babies are ten times less likely to be hospitalized with gastro-enteritis in the early months than babies who are fed formula.
Breastfed babies also gain immunities from a host of other infections.
Here are some terms you may not already know. “Foremilk” – the thinner milk that first comes from the breast when you begin feeding your baby. This is for quenching the baby’s initial thirst. “Hindmilk” – is the milk that comes later during the feeding of your baby. The hindmilk is much more filling and contains all the nutrients your baby needs to stay healthy.
Breastfed babies rarely need other drinks and supplements, because their mother has already given them what nature intended for them to have and need.
What’s in it for me as a Mom? There is nothing to compare the bonding and closeness with your baby that is caused by your choice to breastfeed. It is a great feeling to know that you are doing what is best for your baby.
Babies need to be close to their mothers. They need physical contact. Breastfeeding is one of the best types of physical contact you can have with your baby.
It’s also a whole lot easier than bottle-feeding! No feeds to mix, no bottles to warm or sterilize. Your breastmilk is always available, already sterile, and already just the right temperature for your baby.
Here is a real favorite among all women who breastfeed. Many women lose weight more easily after the birth if they choose breastfeeding over bottle feeding.
Another big issue is that there is evidence that breastfeeding reduces your risk for breast cancer.
What if I am having problems breastfeeding? Either your pediatrician can help you or there are breastfeeding counselors you can find in your area or online that can help you with any problems you may have.
If you have sore nipples or your baby isn’t getting enough milk, it may be your positioning. Your baby’s mouth should cover all of the areola, especially the part just under the areola. Sucking on just the nipple will keep the baby from getting enough milk and will make your nipples very sore.
Can I give my baby a bottle at times and breastfeed at other times? It’s not recommended. Bottle nipples are easier for the baby to suck on and they will obtain bad breastfeeding technique which in turn will cause them to be less hungry or not get enough milk from breastfeeding.
About The Author
Robin Darch, of PRT Specialised Services Limited has a website, http://www.babyport.info to help parents find all the information they need about babies, baby names, baby showers, baby gifts, products for babies, baby clothing, and more. At http://babyport.info/8437.php you can also find out more about breastfeeding and how it helps prevent baby jaundice. Chris McElroy also contributed to this article and has a blog at http://www.missingchildrenblog.com with tips on keeping babies and children safe.